Baby and Toddler Clothing Shopping 101
I had no idea there were so many tricks to building a functional and adorable baby/toddler wardrobes! With my son I had no idea what I was doing, but I've learned some valuable lessons throughout the past 2 years. Do NOT buy just shirts and pants randomly, but create outfits! If I just bought items I liked that didn't necessarily go together, I ended up with a hudge-podge and nothing cute for him to wear. It's important to be mindful of the season and size when purchasing clothing. (My son arrived in the fall and I live in a cold climate so I preferred long-sleeved onsies, but all of the onesies that I had purchased were short-sleeved.) Pajamas: Zippers are your friend and 5,358,985 snaps at 1:00am are part of you worst nightmare that you thought you'd been awakened from. Also fleece pajamas were brilliant for us. We live in a cold climate so it was comforting to know my baby wasn't freezing or potentially being strangled by a blanket . Due to cold temp...