Week 32 ~ Baby Jicama!
How far along? 32 weeks, as in 8 MONTHS?! Just 2 months left to go- holy cow!
Weight gain? I set a new record! I now see my doc twice each month instead of just once - in a very short 2 weeks I gained 4.4 pounds! I'm hoping a good bit of that was the GIANT bowl of fettuccine alfredo I had for dinner last night :-/ My total weight gain is about 20 pounds, so far.
Maternity clothes? Yup! Short of some dresses I don't wear any non-maternity items anymore.
Stretch marks? Not yet :-) I'm still hoping there's a chance that I could be one of the lucky ones who escapes without them!
Sleep: Still sleeping well!
Best moment this week: Oh the baby shower on Saturday was AMAZING! My friends put together such a beautiful event. Friends and family were so incredibly generous and gave us MANY great baby items! It feels SO good to have a solid dent in the long list of needed baby stuff. It was also such a blast that my mom was able to come up - I miss her and having her help with baby stuff is the best! I was sad she was only able to stay for a couple of days, but it's exciting to know she'll be back in a couple of short months.
Movement: Baby is still very active! We got to do a quick ultrasound at the doc's office today and baby is definitely head-down; his bum is to the left of my bellybutton and his little feet kick my right side very consistently. (He must know I'm talking about him because he started to kick as I'm typing this!) It's so fun to WATCH him move- I just love it! Baby is up to 4 pounds! The average is about 3.7 pounds, so he's either larger than average or a bit older than we originally estimated. I can't imagine what his kicks will feel like when he's twice this size!
Food cravings: Ummmmm, there were tons of delicious chocolate cupcakes and m&m's leftover from the baby shower and they sure didn't sit around our house for long. Let's just say it's no mystery where those 5 pounds came from :-P - totally worth it for such a wonderful time with friends and family!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, feeling great!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: I think the few symptoms I've had I hardly notice anymore! I have some fleeting heartburn, a tiny bit of occasional sciatic/hip pain, and frequent bathroom breaks and straining to bend over are just the new routine :-P Oh and bloody noses are pretty normal now, too.
Belly button in or out? Inny!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but a couple of days this week my fingers were puffy.... I'm not sure if it was the Italian food and/or the sugar, but I'm hoping if (er- when!) I clean-up my diet the puffiness will go away.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy moving into ecstatic! I have fun baby projects planned for every weekend up until he arrives :-) If it all goes as planned (which I'm sure it WON'T) the projects will be fun and I'll have plenty of time to accomplish what I need to. My guess is that I'll land on the other end of the spectrum- everything will be ready and I'll be waiting with eager anticipation for a baby who is taking his sweet time :-P If that's the case, he'll have gotten it from his dad... and that will be my first glimpse into life waiting on two guys instead of just one ;-P
Looking forward to: My maternity photoshoot! We had to reschedule it from last week to this week, but actually I think this worked out much better. Last week was smokey and there was a good chance of rain. My photographer got a new dress and she asked me to model that for her, so that's going to be super fun, too!
Looking forward to: My maternity photoshoot! We had to reschedule it from last week to this week, but actually I think this worked out much better. Last week was smokey and there was a good chance of rain. My photographer got a new dress and she asked me to model that for her, so that's going to be super fun, too!
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