Week 35 ~ Baby Butternut Squash!

How far along? 35 weeks along! It doesn't seem possible that we are this close to the end of this fun pregnancy adventure!
Stretch marks? None for now! However, I just realized that I do have a super faint linea nigra.
Sleep: Sleeping great! My pregnancy pillow is cozy and I have a little wedge pillow just for my bump that is wonderful. A fan has also made these warmer temps manageable.
Best moment this week: 
1) My friend who was due one month before me had her baby! Dahlia Boree arrived at 38 weeks on 7/31/15 and she's a happy healthy 6lbs. 12oz.!!!! I had texted my friend to ask if she was feeling okay because I missed her at prenatal yoga and she was like "oh, I had a baby" haha!
2) I have been very productive at work and I'm feeling more comfortable with how someone will be able to pick up right where I left off :-) I had a lot of anxiety last week about the fact that baby could arrive at any moment and it would have been difficult for anyone else to see where I was at on projects and event planning. 
3) The baby shower thank you cards finally arrived- it has been making me half-crazy that I haven't been able to write thank you notes for all of the amazing gifts we received! 
Movement: Baby is back to his old self- he must have just needed some extra sleep last week :-P He's very active in the mornings and evenings - still kicking mostly in the same spot.
Food cravings: I have continued to do much better with reducing my sugar intake :-) FINALLY!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Labor signs: Nope. However, I have actually started to research some of the signs so that I have a clue of what to expect :-P
Symptoms: I can no longer put my make-up on in the bathroom; between the counter and my belly I can't get close enough to see :-P
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding ring on or off? OFF! I haven't even tried to see if it would still fit in the morning.
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm back to my calm happy self! 
Looking forward to: I am SO curious to see when baby will arrive! Will he be early? Will he be late? Will he be perfectly on time?! Such a fun mystery!


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