Week 19 ~ Mango Baby!

How far along? 19 weeks!
Total weight gain: I think I'm going to start taking measurements so that I have another metric to go by! 
Maternity clothes? I still just have my basic maternity slacks, jeans, and black sweater, but my summer dresses have been a helpful addition to my maternity wardrobe! I'm looking forward to a shopping trip next weekend! My friend who is due one month before I am, and I will be flying down to the "big city" of Anchorage for a whole weekend of maternity clothes and nursery stuff shopping!
Stretch marks? Still none to report! This week I've been using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula after I shower in the morning,just in case.
Sleep: My bump seemingly disappeared for a few days so I got a few nights of much-appreciated sleep on my tummy! 
Best moment this week: Attending the Baby Expo at the hospital! There was tons of great information and now I have an even better idea of what community resources are available :-) AND I found out that my 20 week ultrasound will be in 3D & 4D! I knew that it was available, but I thought it cost extra and was an additional ultrasound- turns out they use it for all appointments now! In just over a week we will get a sneak peek at baby's face in 3D! And yes, they even provide a CD of the pictures, so you'll get to see them too!
Miss anything? I do occasionally miss that satisfying feeling of a SUPER intense workout where I've completely pushed myself to the max! I'm enjoying my daily walks, but there's just something magical about an intense workout session ;-) I know some people can do very challenging workouts during pregnancy, but I don't trust myself not to push myself too hard. Plus, I really feel like my body needs that extra energy to grow a baby!
Movement: Nope :(  Hopefully I will soon though! I did have a dream that he was kicking me in the ribs and I could see his foot, but I think that's a ways off LOL
Food cravings: Nada!
Anything making you queasy or sick: It's the strangest thing- I feel like my stomach has shrunk and I automatically eat my normal amount of food and get a horrible stomach ache from overeating :-/ Listening to my body shouldn't be so hard, but I guess I need to slow down!
Gender: Still a boy, as far as we know :-P
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: None really
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this week, due to lack of sleep!
Looking forward to: Seeing baby again in the 20 week ultrasound! 


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